Thursday, August 20, 2009

Port Hadlock

We had to leave Friday Harbor early in the morning to get through Cattle Point during a favorable tide. We were running with the tide and the GPS registered 10.2 knots of speed at one point (a typical speed for Segue II is between 6.5 and 7). The trip across the Strait of San Juan
was very smooth and took about 5 hours. When we arrived back in Port Hadlock we were greeted by Jerry, our harbormaster, and fellow boaters in the area. We were happy to be home in our own slip and grateful the trip had been safe and nearly flawless. It was truly a vacation of a lifetime and one we will remember for the rest of our lives. Thanks to all of you who followed
this adventure on our blog. This was our first blog and we enjoyed creating it along the way. Bob and Betty leave early this morning for Sutherlin to check on the progress of their new home and Jim and Joy will leave about noon for Eugene after securing the boat.